Friday, April 10, 2009


I have a new favorite collection now. I collect frogs. I also love to laugh so this picture sums it up.
I found an article on the Farmer's Almanac website. I also love this website. I looked it up when we were having especially cold (with no snow to play in) weather in Idaho. I had to know if the following winter was going to be just as harsh. They offer a lot of cool information. I can send you the website if you want it. Just email me at

In this article it said in the Navajo culture, there is something called the First Laugh Ceremony. Tradition says that each Navajo baby is kept on a cradle board until he or she laughts for the first time. Then the tribe throws a celebration in honor of the child's first laugh, which is considered to be his or her birth as a social being. I like a "social being".

Because it is raining outside I especially like that it said a hearty laughter is a good way to jog internally without having to go outdoors. Huh? Pretty cool! Laughter stimulates the circulation, tones the muscles, energizes the lungs and respiratory system, stimulates endorphines in the immune system, boosts alertness and memory, increases motivation to learn, and provides superb aerobic exercise. There are also studies that demonstrate a link between a healthy heart and a sense of humor.
So....what are you waiting for--go on....LAUGH! Next time you are feeling sluggish or down, LAUGH!! and the whole world laughs with you. Guess that's why I like the comedian on this blog!
One of my favorite memories is my mom just breaking out in laughter for no apparent reason when I was growing up and we couldn't help but laugh with her. Do you know somebody with a contagious laugh? What are your favorite funny movies? What makes YOU laugh. I want to know.


jenimur said...

You make me laugh! Napoleon Dynamite makes me laugh. America's Funnies Videos TV show makes me laugh. My kids make me laugh. My own personal inside joke makes me laugh!

goodbyes said...

Rock on Napoleon! Mikaela makes fun of me that whenever we're deciding on a movie I say that one.
YOU just have a great sense of humor all the way around and I agree with the last three. Thanks!

Utah Tourist said...

You know how funny Ken, Jodi
and Brian are when in the same
room. But my favorite funny
guy is dad and his lame jokes.
He is a fun one. My kids always
make me laugh.